Appealing World Holiday Destinations

In the world there are many places that we could visit in order to obtain a change in lifestyle, culture and architecture. There are beautiful monuments all over the world to stand as a witness to the changing times. If you are looking for any such World Tour package, then you can choose from some of the most visited historical places in the world. You can choose the best one depending on the amount of time you have in your hand and places you want to cover in their travels around the world. You can also talk to your travel guide or visit the web site to select some of the best international holiday.

Italy is one of the most popular international vacation destination for its beautiful monuments and pieces of architecture, as well as nice food and culture that can be experienced while touring this beautiful zemlji.World Tour packages include many historic churches, such as the Sistine chapel and St. Peter's that some of the most famous paintings in the world for artists such as Bernini, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael. One of the most famous international destination for vacation in Italy is the city of Venice. It is famous with tourists worldwide. It's a beautiful city with many palaces and canals.

If you want to turn to Europe Packages World Tour then it would be worth a look magnificent Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK. This is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world. Historians believe that Stonehenge was built in 2500 before Krista.Ga is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. Stonehenge is owned by the royal family, and managed by English znamenitosti.Velika Cultural Britain is very well known and one of the famous international holiday because of the richness of culture and heritage. Visitors can also visit the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Harrods and many other places, a tour in London.

While in Asia, you can also look at the world famous Taj Mahal located in Agra, India. Because of its popularity, this beautiful structure has earned its place as one of the most visited International odmor.Taj Mahal is one of the finest works of architecture in Indiji.Ga is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. Main Taj Mahal was built of white marble and wonderful art djelo.World Tour package also includes the Great Wall in the itinerary in Aziji.Great Wall is about 6400 kilometers (4,000 miles) long. It is believed that close to 2-3 million people died in the process of building the Great Wall.

ReadmoreAppealing World Holiday Destinations

Stonehenge - Bluestones Dated To 12000bc (And Might Be From Ireland)

In 1920, the most extensive excavation and restoration on record was carried out on Stonehenge offers the opportunity to answer many questions, none of which is the origin of the so-called "Bluestones ".

As petrographer the Geological Survey, Dr. HH Thomas would have been aware of the distribution of various rock side of Stonehenge (around Great Britain at least) and 1923 gave its origin in Prescelly Mountains, Pembrokeshire, Wales. In his opinion, this place offers not only petrographically identical rocks, but the representation of all types of Stonehenge Bluestones in the immediate neighborhood. Thomas also stresses the importance of the area as one of the richest collections of megalithic remains in the UK who was brought to his attention the work of the late Revd. W. Done Bushell who describes Prescelly as 'pre-historic Westminster' and the southern slopes of the earth circles "where there are traces of at least eight stone circles. Even the sandstone used in the so-called" Altar Stone "at Stonehenge was traced to the area of ​​the coast in Wales associated with Prescelly-Stonehenge route. it is entirely typical of the unscientific manner in which the archaeological interpretation of Stonehenge is enhanced.

Let's prove Prescelly source Bluestones looking for other foreign stones in the same place!

  • that he decided that all the stones had come from one place to first place and why?
  • are the dolerites unique Prescelly, and if not, to what extent are distributed throughout the country (or continent of Europe for that matter)?
  • Prescelly not true 'on track' to Stonehenge either route, so that there is evidence in favor of getting certain types of stone available from multiple sources?
  • Are there any other areas in which they appear in the combination of varieties, and besides Prescelly, where the nearest possible sources (say) 75% of stone?
  • To what extent is the conclusion of Thomas influenced the prevailing opinion of the source was, as had been expected for 150 years, the deposits of igneous rocks lie to the west of Stonehenge (1 )?

There are many more examples of such 'scientific permit', facts and features that have been overlooked in the ongoing effort to Stonehenge in a British Neolithic landscape. Yes, he spotted dolerites are almost safely with Prescelly, but in restricting search for other stones in this area may be missing other important relationships.

More recently Professors Timothy Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright have taken less excavation of Stonehenge in an attempt to provide a date for the arrival of the Bluestones site.

Profs believe these particular stones are important in neolithic times for its medicinal properties and, having mapped quarries in Prescelly Mountains, according to dolerites (of which the inner oval of the Bluestones to Stonehenge is composed) derives almost entirely from the rock outcrop on top of broad ridges and rhyolites and tuffs (which together with dolerites are found in the outer Bluestone circle) appear in the surrounding volcanic nasipa.Petrologija can be no doubt, but the healing qualities of these stones is not. In the 25 years studying the region, local experts and internationally published author, Robin Heath, never came across any firm evidence to suggest that Bluestones are revered in recorded history, let alone prehistoric times, as if healing was more than other sources prekobritanskom Islands, and the local states farmer in challenging Wainwright's 'extensive research' of these dolere outcrop (2). Profs failed in the quest for a date, but did not open the lid on another archaeological supervision,. Site has been subjected to major re-orderings in the past that casts doubt on the age of the

If Prescelly source rocks following question must be, "Why Stonehenge ?"

Even if 4 tons of stone imbued with magical powers, and still does not answer the question why anyone would want to transport eighty of them at a distance of at least 140 kilometers when it is clear that Prescelly 'earth circles' already offer comprehensive health care institutions. Whether they are the prey of war invaders from Salisbury (being would willingly lose the thought of taking home awards)? Legend of stones erected as a memorial to soldiers killed in combat has been credited with Geoffrey of Monmouth, the 12th century priest obsessed with the wizard, Merlin. These stones, originating from Africa, brought magic from the current location on Mount Killaraus in Ireland to Stonehenge. From the description of their size to the author refers to the massive Sarsen stones, however, he also claims that their original use in the treatment of diseases (by bathing in water that is poured into the stones), which is closely associated with Bluestone's medicinal powers. Bluestone is also often used in the production of an ax head and battle axes, and dolere has generally been a popular and widely as Egypt, where he used to make tools, but if Bluestone was prized for anything more than that we would not expect that more evidence of his use on other prehistoric sites? Stanton Drew in Somerset (on the route of Prescelly) Rollrights in Oxfordshire, Lamorna in Cornwall and Arbor Low in Derbyshire are (more or less) as close Prescelly Hills as Stonehenge yet contain only locally acquired granite, limestone and shale. Nor was there evidence of bluestone that was used in the construction of neighboring Neolithic sites at Silbury, Avebury and Durrington Walls - not even a sign of an altar of stone


Regardless of the reason for their presence Bluestones serve as another feature to set Stonehenge apart from each other megalithic sites.

It does not seem that the subject of archaeologists who have opted for a period in which Stonehenge belongs and again, and any other features unique to the site, all subsequent research has focused on proving the Neolithic man is capable of building, in this case, transfer from Bluestones Prescelly using the most basic boat (again without success). According to Professor Olwen Williams-Thorpe, there is little evidence to support the use of nothing but local stone in the construction of megalithic structures (3). It supports the idea, originally put forward Professor JW Judd in 1901, the Bluestones were ripped from their beds and lay down the glacier (4), however, this view is widely disputed by geologists and archaeologists. DQ Bowen, Professor of Earth Sciences at Cardiff University, used Chlorine-36 dating to show that at least one sample of igneous rocks of Stonehenge was first exposed to the air 14,000 years ago (5). This contradicts the strong retreat of glaciers from Salisbury Plain, from which we could expect a date yet in the region of 400,000 years. Thorpe and colleagues are quick to respond (6), Chlorine-36 dating estimates the length of time that the rock surface was exposed to the atmosphere, measuring the amount of chlorine-36 produced by exposing the rocks to cosmic radiation. If the rock or the surface is covered or buried, the date received will reflect the reduced time of exposure to air. Thus, the chlorine-36 days can be related to any recent exposure of the surface due to processes such as frost shattering or original date of exposure. Bowen and the sample surface outcrops at Carn menyn, "known" source of dolerites in Prescelly, dates back thousands of years before they Bluestones should have arrived at Stonehenge. What does this mean?

the lack of any activity on Prescelly quarry before, during and after the construction of Stonehenge in combination with a very early date sample site is a clear indication of Bluestone was used in another, much earlier post.

rings Q and R Holes at Stonehenge are further proof that the original stone structure was premješteno.Rupe, set in two concentric circles within the larger Sarsen Circle, originally held Bluestones but otherwise symmetrical design was never dovršen.Središnja axis design, as well as the later Sarsen setting, is classified in the general direction of sunrise at the summer solstice, and there are even examples at the Bluestone Trilithons. It is unthinkable to imagine anyone capable of designing and building such a structure would underestimate the amount of stone needed, or simply abandon the construction of three quarters the way through in favor of the more ambitious design in local stone, so something must happen to change their minds, perhaps cargo was lost, travel became too dangerous, or the original site became inaccessible to


The position and distance have never been obstacles when it comes to choosing materials (7). The decision to use Bluestone and source are irrelevant to the site of Stonehenge, its current focus on the summer solstice sunrise and the relationship between the Sun and Moon in the sign much later with the four "Station Stones" equally tako.Site was chosen for its geographical resemblance to the original place Bluestones at Dowth in Ireland. This henge, overlooked by every other author on the subject of Stonehenge, was also placed on the northeast face of a gently sloping hill near the river (the Boyne). Its bank remains intact in the width of 6 m (20ft) high and 3-4m (13ft), the same size as the original Bank of Stonehenge, and, like Stonehenge, is punctuated by the entrance to the northeast.

Perhaps there is an element of truth in the legend of Merlin and the Stones, after all, legends are usually the corruption of the truth for a long time, but no stones originate from Africa? Well, the only archaeologist will deny it outright without proof! Ironically, Dowth henge as close Prescelly such as Stonehenge and the way that it can travel almost entirely water. Another possible source of stone closer to Dowth and equally accessible to the sea is Slieve Foye, igneous outcrops of the mountain behind the coastal town of Carlingford, 40 km to the north. Was it a subject of "extensive research"? Topology is not the only reason for choosing Stonehenge as a place for moving Bluestone strukture.Najvažniji factor restricted possible locations within the zone of no more than 1-2 km (1 mile) north or south of latitude Dowth.

ReadmoreStonehenge - Bluestones Dated To 12000bc (And Might Be From Ireland)

A Camping Or Caravaning Holiday to Great Britain - 10 Beautiful Places to Visit in the UK

journey through Great Britain, starting in London and finishing in Edinburgh and cover a range of scenic and traditional British town, ideal for someone in a campervan, motorhome or caravan and easily accomplished within two weeks.

leave London traveling to the west. You can choose to visit the world famous Oxford and then continue driving through the Cotswolds to the south-west until you get to Stonehenge in Wiltshire.

1 Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. It consists of a large circle of stones that have been raised to about 2200 BC, near Salisbury. From Stonehenge and still 160 miles west of Cornwall. In Cornwall, you will discover the Eden Project.

2.Eden Project is a large environmental complex built in a former clay pit mined. This is a huge, spectacular modern green house, which contains plant species from around the world and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the UK. After visiting the Eden Project can go to any of the scenic villages and towns on the north Cornish coast. I recommend visiting Padstow.

3 Padstow is a popular tourist resort on the north coast of Cornwall, famous for being incredibly scenic and famous for its wonderful restaurants. From Padstow, travel 170 kilometers north east of miles in the bath.

4 Bath is a city originally built by the Romans at the top of the naturally occurring Hot Springs. Spend time relaxing in one of the natural bath and admire the magnificent buildings in the picturesque ancient British city. Travel 130 miles north of Bath, and you'll find Ironbridge.

5 Ironbridge is a UNESCO world heritage sites in the County of Shropshire. It is known for being the first bridge constructed of wrought iron. This is a charming, quiet and nice place to set up on the river Severn. Leave Ironbridge and head 60 miles to the north of Chester. On the way to Chester you should visit the aqueduct Pontcycilte on the border between England and Wales.

6 Pontcysyllte aqueduct is navigable aqueduct that carries the Llangollen Canal over the valley of the River Dee. Designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1805, it is the highest and longest aqueduct in Britain and it is still in use today. Take a walk or a canal boat, upon this glorious industrial achievement. Then continue north to Chester.

7 Chester is one of the best preserved city walls in Britain. This is a beautiful traditional town which was of great importance in Roman times. Visit some of the castles in the area around Chester. From there, travel to the Lake District in northern England.

8 Lake District is one of England's eight national parks and the most mountainous part of the country. Enjoy walking or biking in the mountains or sailing on the lake and admire the various villages of the best England has to offer before going across the border into Scotland to Hadrian's Wall.

9 Hadrian's Wall is a stone and turf fortification built by the Romans across the width of Great Britain. It is a fascinating, well-preserved landmark that was originally marked the border of the Roman Empire. 100 miles northeast of Hadrian's wall, you will find Edinburgh.

10 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and much of that is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Edinburgh will be quite unlike any other city you have visited in the UK. It is simply spectacular. Take time to visit the splendor of the castle and walk through the massive stone boulevards. If you're still craving more scene after his journey from London to then do not venture further north to the Highlands of Scotland, where he will meet mountains, lochs and peace unlike anywhere else in the world. They are simply spectacular.

ReadmoreA Camping Or Caravaning Holiday to Great Britain - 10 Beautiful Places to Visit in the UK

Stonehenge - A Prehistoric Enigma

Stonehenge, perhaps the most famous prehistoric monuments of Britain, remains a mystery to this day. We know that this is a huge, complex stone structure is a religious center, but what really took place in the here and exactly what the participants believe that will probably never understand, and we know it began in the Neolithic period, about 2950BC, and went on to serve here for almost 15 centuries, until about 1500BC.

This famous stone circle standing tall on Salisbury Plain, His Holiness is disturbed now a rush of traffic. It was built in stages, starting with a circular bank and ditch, with cattle skulls buried in ulazu.Prvi stones were not erected until about 2500BC (the bluestones were brought all the Presely mountains in Wales), a complex monument that now we see the end result of several phases of construction , culminating in the Bronze Age period.

its various ditches, pits and stones suggests that Stonehenge was built first in the awareness phase of the moon, and later a solar event, so some people have theorized that Stonehenge was built as a major astronomical observatory, or kaokalkulator. Today most archaeologists believe that this was not the primary purpose of Stonehenge, but it was the center, where many people gathered at the ceremony and to celebrate their ancestors. All around him there are hundreds of barrows (burial mounds) - we can see examples of these paintings in the Victorian Picture Library, one of which shows a Neolithic long barrow in the foreground, as well as various types of Bronze Age Barrows circle.

ReadmoreStonehenge - A Prehistoric Enigma

Ten Things to Do When You Visit Malta

Relatively unknown, Malta is actually a great place to spend holidays or days off. It not only has the best coastline and ports, but Malta also has the best beaches to choose from povoljno.Najbolja thing about Malta, however, the archaic structures that date back to Stonehenge and the pyramids in Egypt.

1) Excellent diving in Malta

If you love diving, then you have already heard about the great diving in Malta. Located in the Mediterranean Sea, the waters in Malta are crystal clear. Thus, it allows you to enjoy diving at its best.

2) sandy and rocky beaches

Now, you have izbor.Zajedničke meaning people have to sandy beach is one. In Malta, there are not only beautiful sandy beaches, but there are rocky beaches that are ideal for that romantic and warm moment you want for your own benefit.

3). Megalithic monuments

These are monuments in Malta that are even older than Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt. There are about twenty three megalithic monuments in Malta. Scientists say why these monuments can be found in such a tiny piece of land, but the point is that these archaic structures are plentiful in Malta.

4) Medieval cathedrals and palaces

Baroque inspired structures can be found in Malta. There are also those of the Normans. If you take a visit to Malta, make sure to visit at least one of these well-preserved structures that are, to date, is used by citizens of Malta.

5) Valletta is a limestone building

Valletta is the capital and port of Malta. This is also where you can enrich yourself with the culture of Malta, and the atmosphere of congeniality and the people in it. Also, structures and houses in Valletta are mostly made of limestone, something that will strike you as architecturally wondrous.

6) Mnajdra temple Malta

Standing strong for over 6,000 years, Mnjadra temple continues to be one of the oldest structures that can be found in Malta. Giant and primeval stones were stone-shaped structures similar to the temple. As it is providing the tools for an ancient people are still discussing where scientists.

7). Qala tad-Dwejra

Located in Gozo, Qala tad-Dwejra is one of a kind beach. While the usual first qualification most people seek in a beach is its waters, Qala tad-Dwejra offers much more than toga.Jasan refreshing water and the beach are paired only spectacular coastline reminiscent of those that only see in movies.

8). Legendary Gozo

Gozo is one of the islands that make up Malta. While most buildings in Valletta from limestone structures in Gozo are built on hills. This is something that certainly will not see just anywhere as hills usually make for a fragile foundation of buildings, but somehow come home in Gozo still stand sturdy and strong.

9). Mosta Dome Church

The church is famous for two reasons. One of them, it is generally supported, something obvious through its design. Two, it survived against a potential total destruction during World War II when a bomb failed to explode -. A miracle, because people see Malta

10) Ghotto of Ghar Dalam

Malta's oldest historical site is Ghotto of Ghar Dalam. This is supposedly where the oldest person in Malta can be found, dating back more than 4000 years before Christ. You will practically feel the historicity of the place when you visit.

ReadmoreTen Things to Do When You Visit Malta

Stonehenge Tour Including Bath and Lacock

Private Viewing of Stonehenge will be possible through the exclusive booking facility available for all travelers to the city of London. It is considered a once in a lifetime opportunity to step into the inner circle of stones laid out. There are two tour times available. Morning city tour and an afternoon tour. Morning tour includes a total of 26 people with a guide, and an evening tour can include 40 people with guides. We can make a choice from sunrise or sunset impressions impressions. Private access to the inner circle of stone that your visit to Stonehenge is certainly sure to be a memory that will be nurtured through life. The most important additional advantage is that this is a private inspection problems big crowd will be avoided.

We will also use the facility nice and knowledgeable guide for a better use of London tours. Depending on the time selected breakfast or dinner will be included at the expense putnika.14. century vintage pub is an appropriate place for dining. We will then take a walk or explore the region in the bath želji.Prekrasno walking experience must be obtained from the popular picturesque region of Lacock. This is a very popular place to be used as a location for many films, including Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. General visitors Region Stonehenge is not directly prohibited by the stones. However, this special day trip will give you the opportunity to enter the circle of stones directly. Stonehenge is an ancient monument which is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Enjoy a quiet environment away from the busy crowds at sunrise or sunset by visiting Stonehenge. would be nicer to Stonehenge, Bath and Lacock. Lacock is a beautiful village in London with a very picturesque natural setting. This settlement dates back to Saxon times. This large village was used as a set for many movies and television series. It is better to walk before enjoying an evening meal at the George vintage pub which was built in the 1361st year When another beautiful Georgian city that is guaranteed to be included in the list of things to do in London. Jane Austin famous writer was born here and it was a real inspiration for most of his novels.

ReadmoreStonehenge Tour Including Bath and Lacock

Viking Hidden History Stonehenge - Part 9


During the Megalithic Culture gigantic circles of stones appeared. They are located on islands and coastal countries of North Western Europe. They are also found in the Canary Islands and North Africa.

stones were erected in the form of concentric circles and spiral patterns.

in Germany called 'Trojaburgen' or 'Walburger'. In England they were known as "Troy Towns." In Sweden, they were known as' Trojeberg 'or' Trelleborg .'

Many believe that the ancient temples of Sun Every where ancient sites are sacred dances, depicting the Earth's orbit around the sun, are preserved. This dance, said the stories and customs of the Swedes, Danes, Germans and North English.

Perhaps the most famous of these stone sites is Stonehenge in southern England. It was built in three phases. The first stage is just a circular bank and ditch. Phase two is the installation of two concentric rings' bluestones .'

in phase three, Stonehenge has been fully restored.

There is much archaeological evidence that in 1500 BC, colonists from Jutland (the Vikings) settled a large part of England. Many turn up the graves of Viking battle axes and chain in the form of flint daggers, pottery and amber. It all comes from Jutland. Viking Bronze swords are very popular in England at this time as well.

reconstruction of Stonehenge did colonists from Jutland around 1500BC.Bluestones moved out and the holes marked site.A center of a circle of 29.5 m was measured thirty upright stones were erected. Holes were dug so that the tops of still. Lintels are placed on top of rocks. This formed a closed prsten.Bulestones were re-erected, where they are today.

outside the outer circle is the "fifth Stone." The sun rises over the "fifth Stone" on the longest day of the year, the summer solstice.

Some historians assume that Stonehenge is a temple Hyperborians. These were people who lived far to the north, above the place where the north wind (Boreas) blows. These were our Viking, or Nosemen, ancestors.

In any Hyperbonia 'Troy city, "the stones in concentric circles.

in the prose Edda the largest "city of Troy 'in the Northern Gods / Goddesses are called" Asgard. "Temple Hyperborians and Asgard were built as the" Three Cities .'

in the country Hyperborians Cimbrian peninsula called Jutland.

Since Stonehenge in England is likely to reconstruct Hyperborians (colonists from Jutland) in 1500 BC, they would naturally have it modeled on the temple of their homeland.

in Nordic culture, there are many designs have been working on Ritual Stones or Bronze that are identical with the stone circles.

what Plato described as the holiest shrine of the Atlanteans, in Walberg, surrounded by circles drawn on a regular basis. Plato said that Walbergern or "the ancient cities of Troy," The sun temples ."

Our ancestors, the Vikings, Hyperborians, North Sea People, Northern European nations, the Nordic-Germanic race illuminate the wisdom and culture through out the world. We have evidence dating back to 1500 BC it was true. Why are men in the north, down to historians of drunken, debauched marauders? Why is the real story is not shouted from the rooftops?

ReadmoreViking Hidden History Stonehenge - Part 9