Ancient History of Stonehenge

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There is something uniquely special about the structures on our planet. They either talk about the ingenuity of man to make it. Gods and imagination, while projektiranje.Samo structure in the world who may have elements of both man and God is Stonehenge in England. This is a site where one gets boggled everyone WH - type questions-who? What? Why? Where? When? And most interestingly, how? We will break down (not literally), Stonehenge using the same questions.

Stonehenge is said to be built in about 3500 years ago in Salisbury Plain, Engleska.Stonehenge consists of 162 large stones called menhirs, which consists of sandstone and blue kamen.Unutarnja structure of the Altar Stone, which is made of blue stone. About this sarsen horseshoe, also made ​​the blue stone. This is covered in blue stone ring menhirs.Najudaljeniji circle of stones called sarsen circle. Due to the nature of time and human destruction, about half of these structures is now missing.

There are many proposals for the history of Stonehenge, and that they built it. They range from the Greeks and Egyptians, the Celts, and even strangers. Creation of Stonehenge is also said to be the work of a magician, Merlin, from the glory of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Since there is no written evidence of the creator of the megalith, we can only guess about. However, the most popular hits on the builders of these massive structures must be Druids. The Druids were an ancient high priests belonging to the Celtic race. Stonehenge I was supposed to be the sacrificial altar.

The Druids were said to be the original members of the learned class of the Celtic culture during the final centuries BC. These people use to convey their knowledge through oral tradition, and therefore not written by them are maintained. Some theories propagated that Stonehenge was like a calendar, marked the astronomical and seasonal events such as summer and winter solstices, equinoxes, and lunar eclipses.

latest carbon-dating techniques are, however, showed that although the Druids must have used Stonehenge as an altar, it is not that it razvili.Povijest Stonehenge now has a newer aspekte.Najprecizniji techniques indicate that Stonehenge was built in three phases. the first people to work on the structure are likely to Windmill hill people, who were Neolithic tribes from eastern England. It is a semi-nomadic clans, who were hunters and farmers. They were told to worship circles and symmetry. There are many windmills Stonehengea.Druga Hill Cemetery, about a group of people to work at Stonehenge are the Beaker Folk, who came after the Neolithic period.

They were more advanced than the earlier tribes of people, such as the metal is carried out. Being sunbathe, have worked on Stonehenge, bearing in mind the movement of the sun and keeping in check the summer and winter solsticija.Trećine stage saw the Wessex people who came together during the Bronze Age. This year saw the completion of work on Stonehenge.Jasan sign of their technological advancement is the carving of copper articles can be found on the blue stone.

never will be the definitive answers to questions about the history of Stonehenge. The structure seems to mean that the mysterious trail of old people in the world, and not let on too much about them.

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